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Player Profiles > GLASGOW SCOTLAND's Profile
Well hello all at last i've got round to writing something! Next thing you know i will have photos and everything on here! Well, for those of you who only know me a wee bit, here;s some stuff. I have 2 kids and a gorgeous german shepherd called Murphy. Recently separated and now single again :) Had a pretty rough year so far and have just started a new job. i'm travel phobic and dont even have a passport!! (it seems to bother everyone else more than me) I love going to live concerts and the theatre - love music and play scrabble a lot too. My kids think i'm a saddo because I dont go out much and play boggle all the time!!! Anyhoo, if anyone is in my area (beautiful Scotland) - we should go for a pint!!!!!
Cheers guys and thank you :)
Comments & Messages
On Thu, 17 Mar 2011 06:29 am,
Dear Sarah, I have been where you are now..it's very tough and I felt if I had been pushed out of a main-stream life. The kids kept me going - I went back for my master's and then worked (teaching and testing) in Mental Health places. I did remarry and it's a good marriage - I know you'll do what I did - get out there - and you are! Have enormous fun while you explore this adventure...it will change! Best Always, Leslie Jolley
On Thu, 17 Mar 2011 06:44 am,
Dearest Leslie, you are the absolute tonic I need right now. It has been one thing after another! The marriage thing was a biggie - had been married 25 years and it turns out i'm the wrong gender!!! lol. I don't like moaning, I know there are people worse off than me. Thanks for your inspiration - you're a wee gem and i'm so glad you're my weboggle pal.
All the best from Scotland xxx
On Sat, 20 Feb 2010 06:23 pm,
Did you ever get a Facebook page so we can chat? I hope you have a lovely weekend!
On Sun, 20 Dec 2009 01:44 pm,
On Mon, 23 Nov 2009 01:38 pm,
Hi Sarah! I hope you have a great week!!
On Tue, 24 Nov 2009 05:59 am,
Hi Greg - good to hear from you. I hope you have a good week too and i hope to catch up on boggle soon. All the best, Sarah
On Sat, 14 Nov 2009 11:25 am,
Dope Free Life:

Sarah please forgive me> there is no excuse but i would really like it if you forgave me for what i said in a moment of life crashing down on me. Glad you are there for britt and I cant forget how rude i was Please forgive me.
On Tue, 22 Sep 2009 06:36 am,
Hey Sarah, it's me...Laura. I finally joined as a groupie today!! I mean an addict!!! I sent you a friend request. Sorry you have had such a bad year. It's so nice to put a face to the name!! Hope you had a good day.
On Mon, 07 Sep 2009 01:33 pm,
Hi Sarah! Rough year here, too. Would love to share a pint or two. Best of luck in your new job.
On Tue, 08 Sep 2009 10:23 pm,
thanks vicky... hope your year hasn't been as bad as mine - really! hope you're well and if coming to Glasgow..... :)
On Mon, 31 Aug 2009 06:02 am,
Hi there Sarah, always brightens my day when you are on..
And tho I am not much of a beer drinker, I would have a pint with you anytime!! :)
On Sat, 05 Sep 2009 02:06 am,
Hi ASM! I have just realised how to do this duh! And managed to add photo woohoo! I love seeing familiar faces and i JUST CANT CATCH YOU! lol...great to see you.
On Sun, 23 Aug 2009 11:27 am,

Hope this will be a great year for you. Never know when a "boggler"might get to Scotland. Went to Ireland a couple of years ago and had a few pints there (lol). Travel is good, too, though. You have lots of friends in the US. ;)
On Sun, 16 Aug 2009 07:42 am,
zoes mome:
I hope you accept me as a friend...when I get to Scotland some year hope we can go have a pint together.....May have to wait a bit, until kids out of college....Oh, and we'll have to take in a concert, music....:) ZOES MOME