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About WEBoggle (WordsPlay)
Online WEBoggle
WEBoggle is an online multiplayer word game inspired the original Boggle game by Hasbro*. WEBoggle allows several dozen players from across the globe to play a competitive game of Boggle. Scoring is real-time, and players can instantly see if the word they enter is accepted.Several other variants of Weboggle exist on many gaming and entertainment websites (some under the name Joggle / WordsPlay / Word Rampage / Tangleword) but some do not offer multiplayer or real-time scoring capabilities, whilst others force players to register before they can enter the game. Our aim is to give players the most feature-rich boggle gaming experience. You will not find any other online games here. We do one thing and we do it well: WeBoggle.
WEBoggle is a unique online word game developed in Australia, which uses the webPHPboggle engine, developed specifically for WEBoggle by CEC. WEBoggle is hosted in Melbourne, Australia.We're continually making improvements and adding new features. We hope you enjoy your stay.
*Boggle™ is a registered trademark of Hasbro, Inc. This web site is not affiliated with Hasbro in any way.
Green Initiatives
Increasing costs in energy prices and the need to reduce our carbon footprint has prompted
the commissioning of an alternative energy source to keep the Weboggle server powered.
The server on which Weboggle is hosted is now partially powered by a Photovoltaic (PV) Solar power system.
Read more about the Weboggle Solar PV System (external site).
The server on which Weboggle is hosted is now partially powered by a Photovoltaic (PV) Solar power system.
Read more about the Weboggle Solar PV System (external site).
Why was it created?
For fun and learning. A lot about AJAX, and some Javascript techniques were
learnt by the author. This game was written using spare time, so don't expect
everything to work 100% perfect. However comments and suggestions are most
Note: WEBoggle is at weboggle.net, not www.weboggle.com
Note: WEBoggle is at weboggle.net, not www.weboggle.com
Tech Support
As mentioned above, the game was developed in our spare time, so at present
we cannot offer support to players who are experiencing difficulties.
We currently do not have access to a Mac, so we can't test the game on
Safari/Mac. However we would appreciate your comments on whether it works/
doesn't work.