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  Player Profiles > mommymop's Profile

Name: mommymop
First Seen: Sun, 19 Jul 2009 01:17 pm
Last Seen: Fri, 06 Sep 2024 09:15 am
Type: Registered player
Games Played: 40 (Past four weeks)
Country: US United States
Location: washington state
Profile image

Hello all,  I finally got a pic. up (with help from my son).  I am a housewife, retired (can a housewife be retired?) .  My husband and I have four children and five grandchildren.  We enjoy a bit of travelling, camping, and spending time with family and friends.  I discovered weboggle about 1 1/2 yrs ago and it didn't take long to become "addicted"!!  I really enjoy playing and I love the "chat"  even if I'm not chatting. Such a great bunch of people and wild senses of humor!   My daughter is now hooked on it and she's very grateful to me.  : )   : )

  Comments & Messages

On Wed, 01 Jan 2014 05:20 am, alipanda-titanic:

On Wed, 28 Aug 2013 11:10 am, alipanda-titanic:
hi mommy, you are already my friend and here and now confirm it. I am giving wb a rest but it would be good if we could play scramble. am playing with whitedove and chey. with your permission I could ask whitedove for your nick on scramble then we can start playing. let her know she has your permission to let me have your nick on scramble then she will pass it on to me so that I can invite you to a game. what do you say? tc now and best wishes to you and your family. ali. x

On Sun, 16 Jun 2013 09:09 pm, alipanda-titanic:
hi mommy! have not forgotten you. have been pretty busy lately, spring cleaning and gardening for yet another year. trust you are well and enjoying your sunshine. would love to hear from you. ali. x

On Thu, 28 Feb 2013 08:50 am, alipanda-titanic:
hi mommy, so good to see you at wb this evening, and sorry for going off to clean my fish tank. saw the big notice in the kitchen and as it was a priority i must not put off any longer i thought i had better do it. hope your spring is here soon, could do with some warmth and sun i am sure. then comes the spring sales, bet you are waiting to stumble on another nice skirt or blouse or both. tc now and hope to bump into you again at wb. much love ali.

On Fri, 01 Mar 2013 12:48 pm, mommymop:
Hi Ali - good to hear from you. Yes we are waiting for spring and some good weather. Shopping sounds great; could do with some new things. :) Hope to see you on webboggle soon!

On Tue, 01 Jan 2013 12:25 pm, alipanda-titanic:
mommy why don't you send leslie a message? you only need to press reply at her message here and inquire after her. all the best. ali x

On Wed, 02 Jan 2013 08:03 am, mommymop:
Hi Ali, I did send her a message about 2 weeks ago or so and haven't heard back from her. I do hope she (and her family as well) are all doing all right. Hopefully she will be back.

On Fri, 05 Oct 2012 05:42 am, alipanda-titanic:
hi mommymop so good to hear from you. i am fine thank you and hope you and family are the same. i am also a little down hearted with chat. personally i prefer it off, it is only good when all are peaceful and friendly but most times it is used as a battle ground and i do not like it. i am there to play so i just play. i think leaving personal messages are less disturbing when sometimes it upsets me to see there are unpleasant players posting ugly comments and bad language is used. still we all have personal choices i guess, glad you enjoy chat. do message me any time you feel like it always love to hear from you. alipanda xxx tc.

On Mon, 08 Oct 2012 03:44 pm, mommymop:
Hi Ali, it's good to hear from you. Well, actually I might play a little better if I'm not distracted with the chat. However, I do like to say hello and have a little light banter back and forth. We just got back from a little trip to Oregon, so I haven't been playing for a while. Hope all is well with you. MMop

On Tue, 05 Apr 2011 05:43 am, LeslieJolle:
Hi Mommymop - please add me as your friend so I can send a message to you! Leslie

On Wed, 06 Apr 2011 06:21 am, mommymop:
Hi LeslieJolle; it's nice to be friends with you. I didn't see your request until late last evening. About 7:00 pm I tried getting on to weboggle but absolutley nothing happened; my computer was fine, but there was no connection. I tried again at 10:00 pm and voila!!

On Sat, 03 Oct 2009 12:00 pm, jean:
how exciting after waiting so long! woo hoo!

On Mon, 05 Oct 2009 08:45 am, mommymop:
Thank you for your message. For some reason my e-mail would not receive a message from weboggle with my confirmation; so I got another e-mail; voila! I love this crazy game. I don't remember how I found it, but it sure is fun. I don't often score awfully high, but it's just fun.

On Sat, 03 Oct 2009 11:46 am, Army.Soldier.Mom:
Congrats and Welcome aboard!! Always nice to see you on here. Now we will await for you to write something in your profile about yourself.... Kata,boggle meister, MASTER,
Army.Soldier.Mom and your friend

On Mon, 05 Oct 2009 08:48 am, mommymop:
Thanks for your nice welcome! I'm glad I finally got registered. This game is so much fun and so darn addicting! I'll try to get a profile written soon. Thanks again.